13 June 2024 Tallinn, Estonia
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D2.1 - Preliminary CFD-based simulations to support oxyfuel calciner design
This report presents a summary of the used modeling tools and the work performed on the preliminary development of the oxyfuel pre-calciner concept for the cement industry. Different modeling approaches are taken in series and parallel to define the concept and additional details are investigated at each phase to evaluate the preliminary pre-calciner design. 0D process modeling is the initial step, followed by 1D and 3D reactor modeling and CFD simulations of the bottom part of the reactor.
D4.2_Preliminary analysis and selection of the zeolite materials to be tested
D4.2 summarizes the experimental procedures adopted to screen the potential zeolites candidates for the CO2 capture and the main results of CO2 uptake experiments carried out with both natural and synthetic materials.
D8.1 - Analysis of policy alignment including country case studies
The deliverable will describe the international and national CCUS regulations influencing the implementation of CCUS clusters in targeted regions, as well as the regulatory situation and the political strategies for implementing integrated CCUS chains at European, national, and regional levels. The first draft is released in M13; the final version is planned in M58.
D8.2 provides contextual information on the two regions where the pilot CO2 storage activities in the HERCCULES project are taking place: Emilia-Romagna in Italy and Kavala/Thasos in Greece. This includes the definition of the affected regions along political, administrative and geographical dimensions, as well as stakeholder and public perceptions of CC(U)S.
D8.3 This report relied on household survey data (overall N=3042) to assess acceptance of a potential implementation of CCUS in two study areas, Kavala and Thasos (part of the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace region in Greece) and Emilia-Romagna (in Italy) — regions currently under examination for implementing CCUS pilot projects. This study contrasts acceptance at the regional level with acceptance at the national level, exploring their interrelationship.
D10.2_Dissemination and Communication Package – RP1
This deliverable summarises the dissemination and communication activities carried out throughout the first reporting period of the HERCCULES project.